After having extruder issues with the MakerBot, I decided to build a RepRap Mendel Prusa. I ordered a set of the printed parts, along with all of the hardware and electronics. All of the parts are shown below.
There was a little more upfront work to build this 3D printer because the rods had to be cut to length, but overall the assembly was fairly simple. The image below shows the mostly assembled frame.
The image below shows everything assembled except for some of the electronics and build platform.
After I finished assembling everything, I started trying to connect to the printer so I could start printing. Unfortunately the controller I chose appeared to be less supported than some of the other options, and it took a while to get the firmware uploaded and eventually print.
Once I was printing I had a little more success than with the MakerBot, but still had some adhesion issues and then eventually had some serious extruder issues. At the time my plan was to swap out the extruder for a newer design that was supposed to be more reliable. Before I got around to that I ended up buying a Formlabs Form 1 stereolithography printer, and lost interest in fixing the RepRap.
After collecting dust for a few years, I finally sold the RepRap in 2018.
Page created: 2011