
Solid Modeler

The second project for ME 498N (Advanced Topics in Rapid Prototyping) was to create an implicit solid modeler using Mathematica. This project was designed to teach us how a solid modeler, like SolidWorks, creates models. There are three groups in the Mathematica code that make up the modeler. The first is Booleans, such as join and intersect, which operate on two geometries to create a new single geometry. The second is the transforms group, this group contains operations such as scale and translate that are used on a single geometry to modify it. The final group is primitives; primitives are the predefined geometries, such as cones and spheres that are used to create other geometries. The code for these three groups is shown below.

After the modeler was finished, we used it to design an object. The code that was written in the modeler to make the object is shown below.

This code exported the model as an .STL file. The .STL file was then used to build the object using the Stratasys Dimension 3D Printer. Images of the Mathematica model and the final part are shown below.

Team member: Jacob Hiester

Page created: 2010